Dresden Files

The Warden swords are weapons handmade especially for the Wardens' use by Anastasia Luccio. They are supernaturally sharp and able to cut through any enchantment.(reference needed)


The swords are famous among supernatural circles and are always seen in the hands of a Warden.[1] After Luccio's body was stolen, she lost her ability to make swords for new wardens such as Harry Dresden.[2][1]

Made of silver and supernaturally sharp, they have been seen undoing complex, powerful magic at the will of the wielder. On order to do so, they must be tailored specifically to each individual Warden.[2] Donald Morgan's sword was also the symbol of the authority given to him by the White Council.[3]

In the series

Dead Beat

In Dead Beat, Harry Dresden watches as Luccio wields her sword against zombies. He feels a humming surge of power emanate from it; whenever the blade touches a zombie, there is a flash of light. The sword is later used to destroy a specter.[4]

White Night

In White NightHarry Dresden assumes Luccio never made him a sword because he wasn't trusted, but she explains that she can no longer make the swords after the Corpsetaker forced her into a new body. She doesn't know if she'll ever get the ability back.[2]

Ghost Story

In Ghost Story, Waldo Butters and Daniel Carpenter pretended to be Wardens to rescue Father Forthill from Aristedes. Aristedes saw through the ruse when he noticed that they carry no swords.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ghost Story, ch. 37
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 White Night, ch. 22
  3. Storm Front, ch. 7
  4. Dead Beat, ch. 39

See also
